BMI Saxon Clinic
Chadwick Drive
Saxon Street
Milton Keynes
New Foscote Hospital
2 Foscote Rise
OX16 9XP
Coronavirus Update – Loss of Smell & Taste
It is now well established that loss of the senses of smell and taste are symptoms that can be associated with Covid-19/Coronavirus infection. Although a minority of affected individuals may suffer long-term, the good news is that the majority of patients will notice improvements within 3 weeks.
There is the potential to administer some treatment in a small number of patients, but for the majority, supportive treatment and encouraging the neural recovery of the olfactory system is the only way forwards. For this, I would recommend ‘Smell Training’. This subject is covered very well in 2 excellent websites/support groups, namely: Fifthsense and Abscent.
If you wish to discuss this, or any other ENT issue, please contact me via or 01908 306763